How do I add a team member?

Onboarding a new team member onto Kitt

To add a new team member, you'll need to head to the 'Manage team' in the Kitt web:

From here, simply enter the email address of the user you want to add into the 'add team member' field at the top of the page (as shown below)

Screenshot 2024-01-31 at 15.27.39Shortly after, they'll receive an onboarding link. When they receive this, they'll simply need to follow the steps/prompts which will appear in front of them to onboard themselves onto the Kitt app.

If you would like the new member to be added as an office lead, meaning they can access admin privileges and Kitt web, make sure to tick the 'lead tenant' checkbox (see image on the left).

They will then be able to head to once they are onboarded.